
We shall never surrender.我们绝不投降。









盲人老爷爷:Well done lads. Well done. (小伙子们做的不错!)士兵:All we did is survive. (我们只是活着逃回来了而已。)盲人老爷爷:That's enough. (这就够了)



The enemy have driven the British and French armies to the sea.Trapped at Dunkirk, they await their fate.Hoping for deliverance for a miracle.敌军把英法联军逼退到了海边,受困敦刻尔克,等待命运的宣判。渴望着被救援,渴望着奇迹的出现。

We should go on to the end. We should fight in France. We should fight in the seas and oceans.We should fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air.We should defend our own island whatever the cost may be. We should fight on the beaches. We should fight on the landing ground. We should fight on the fields and streets. We should fight on the hills. We should never surrender.我们要战斗到最后。我们要去法国战斗。我们要在领海和大西洋上战斗。我们要以高涨的信心和喷涌的力量去战斗。我们要不惜任何代价保卫我们的岛屿。我们要在海滩上战斗,我们要在登陆点战斗。我们要在田野里和街道上战斗。我们要在山地战斗,我们永不投降。

No,I'm going home.我要回家!(我不下船)

Do all you can to survive, because life is never something you live only for yourself.为了活下来,要拼尽全力。生命本就不仅仅是为你自己。

I'm staying, for the French.我要留下,为了法国。

-- Where are we going?-- Dunkirk.我们要去哪?敦刻尔克。-- You should be at home.-- There's no home if German cross the Channel.你应该待在家里!如果德国人穿过海峡,我们就没有家了。