
1、She's veryyoung and not very experienced.(她很年轻,还不太老练。)

2、She was soyoung, so unworldly.(她那样年轻,那样不谙世事。)

3、This workshop helpsyoung unemployed people.(这个讲习班帮助失业的年轻人。)

4、He seemed soyoung, a mere boy.(他看来那么年轻,只是个孩子。)

5、Manyyoung people are out of work.(很多年轻人失业。)

6、The blow sent theyoung man flying.(那一击将那年轻人打翻在地。)

7、She is an articulateyoung woman.(她是个善表达的年轻女子。)

8、Theyoung woman was tall and slim.(那个年轻女子个子高挑,身材苗条。)

9、She's stillyoung and idealistic.(她还年轻并且耽于空想。)

10、young people these days have no morals.(现在的年轻人根本不讲道德。)

11、He's a brilliantyoung scientist.(他是一个才华横溢的青年科学家。)

12、He wasyoung and impetuous.(他年轻,易冲动。)

13、He wasyoung and highly suggestible.(当时他年轻,很容易听信他人。)

14、Idealisticyoung people died for the cause.(理想主义的年轻人为这项事业而献身。)

15、Most crimes are committed byyoung men.(多数罪行都是年轻人犯下的。)

16、Times have changed since Grandma wasyoung.(世易时移,现在已不是祖母年轻时那会儿了。)

17、Her grandchildren keep heryoung.(她的孙子孙女让她保持年轻。)

18、She has coached hundreds ofyoung singers.(她培养了许许多多的青年歌手。)

19、Theyoung man flopped back, unconscious.(那年轻人仰面倒下,不省人事。)

20、He was a punctiliousyoung man.(他是个拘谨的年轻人。)

21、Thisyoung musician has a bright future.(这位年轻的音乐家前途无量。)

22、They marriedyoung.(他们很年轻时就结了婚。)

23、She's a very independent-mindedyoung woman.(她是个很有主见的年轻女子。)

24、young people often kick against the rules.(年轻人常常违反规定。)

25、He tortured and mutilated sixyoung men.(他折磨致残了6个年轻男人。)

26、Ayoung unknown played the leading role.(演主角的是一个名不见经传的年轻人。)

27、She wasyoung enough to be malleable.(她当时年轻得足以轻易地被别人影响。)

28、He is a remarkably poisedyoung man.(他是个特别稳健的年轻人。)

29、He was with an attractiveyoung lady.(他与一位漂亮的年轻女子在一起。)

30、Twoyoung girls were collecting firewood.(两位年轻女孩在采集柴火。)