
1、whichever they choose, we must accept their decision.(无论他们如何选择,我们都必须接受他们的决定。)

2、Agents could subscribe towhichever message streams interested them.(这些代理可以订阅任何一个它们感兴趣的消息流。)

3、Pensions should be increased annually in line with earnings or prices,whichever is the higher.(养老金每年应该按照收入或物价中升幅较高的那一项增长。)

4、If you do want to use the command prompt, we also have a tool that pops up a command window inwhichever directory you choose in the Solution Explorer.(如果您确实想使用命令提示符,我们还有一个工具,可以在“解决方案资源管理器”中选择的任何目录中弹出一个命令窗口。)

5、You can choosewhichever XML API works best for your project.(您可以选择最适合自己项目的任何XMLAPI。)

6、whichever is the case, there are surely some valuable lessons which the world at large can learn from the story of Rapa Nui.(不管怎样,拉帕努伊的故事中总有一些宝贵的经验值得全世界学习。)

7、Toyota's ample cash and engineering resources mean that it is unlikely to be caught out,whichever way the market goes.(不论市场风向如何,丰田汽车手中充裕的现金及技术资源意味着它并不会被排除在外。)

8、The spread of no-fault divorce has reduced the bargaining power ofwhichever spouse is more interested in continuing the relationship.(随着无过错离婚的普及,更愿意继续这段关系的一方讨价还价能力有所降低。)

9、You can usewhichever one you want.(想用哪个就用哪个。)

10、The situation is an awkward one,whichever way you look at it.(无论从哪一方面看,这个局面都很尴尬。)

11、If you are unhappy with anything you have bought from us, we will gladly exchange your purchase, or refund your money,whichever you prefer.(如果您对从我们这里买到的任何商品不满意,我们将乐意为您更换或办理退货,您愿意哪种方式都行。)

12、Choosewhichever one is a good abstraction for the task at hand.(无论选择哪一个对当前任务来说都是很好的服务抽象。)

13、Choosewhichever brand you prefer.(挑选你喜欢的那个品牌。)

14、whichever of you gets here first will get the prize.(你们谁第一个到达这里谁就获奖。)

15、whichever actions are set to true will be run (and consent assumed).(无论设置哪些操作为真都将运行(且假定许可)。)

16、He has been extraordinarily fortunate or clever,whichever is the right word.(他一直格外幸运或者特别聪明,不管是其中的哪一个。)

17、whichever way you look at it, nuclear power is the energy of the future.(无论你从哪个方面看,核能都是未来的能源。)

18、whichever option you choose, there has to be a level of balance.(无论你选择哪一个,必须有某种程度的平衡。)

19、So usewhichever database you or your team is prefer.(所以您可以使用您或者您所在团队最喜欢使用的数据库。)

20、Choosewhichever you prefer to use.(选择您所喜欢使用的一种。)

21、Farmers and consumers alike can choose whether or not to usewhichever version prevails: "I'm giving people an option."(农民和消费者都可以选择是否使用占优势的版本:“我给人们一个选择。”)

22、Learning to relax bywhichever method suits you best is a positive way of contributing to your overall good health.(学会以最适合你的方法来放松是改善身体整体健康状况的一个积极办法。)

23、You can choosewhichever you like.(你可以自由选择你喜欢的食物。)

24、You can choosewhichever one you prefer.(你可以选择自己最喜欢的。)

25、It takes three hours,whichever route you take.(无论你走哪一条路都需要三个小时。)

26、You may takewhichever(=any) seat you like.(你想坐哪个位置就坐哪个位置。)

27、You can keep one of the photos. Either of them—whichever you like.(你可以保留一张照片。两张里任选一张—拣你喜欢的。)

28、whichever it is, you know every twist and turn like the back of your hand.(不管是哪一种,你对每一个弯道都了如指掌。)

29、I don't have any particular taste in western food andwhichever one you choose from the menu is all right with me.(我对西餐没有什么特别的品味,你从菜单上挑任何一种都可以。)